Meet the 2024 Execs and Chairs

Meiyan Timberlake
I first joined EWB because it sounded like a fun and impactful organization where I could meet people throughout CEAS. Since joining, it has fulfilled my expectations and some as EWB has become an essential part of my college experience!

VP of Operations Co-Exec
Madeline Miller
I joined EWB because of the impact they have on those in need. I wanted to help make a change in something that I knew mattered.

VP of Operations Co-Exec
Katie Boyd
The reason I joined was because I loved that the organization had a variety of projects and opportunities. I was also excited to join an organization that pertained to my major.

Ben Smith
One of my roommates had joined EWB and after looking into it I connected with the mission and decided to join

VP of Projects Co-Exec
Nick Bardesh
I joined EWB to gain experience with real-world engineering projects while also being able to make a positive impact on communities around the world. The people involved in EWB-UC are some of the best and they make working on the projects even more enjoyable.

VP of Projects Co-Exec
Eloise Brown
I wanted to make a positive different while expanding my professional skills.

Casma Mussi
I decided to join because it looked like a lot of fun and I enjoyed the idea of being able to do something with my engineering skills that makes a difference in the world.

Business Affairs Chair
Nolan Wolf
I joined since I wanted to get more involved on campus and thought this would be a great opportunity that also satisfies service requirements.

Community Outreach Co-Chair
Nadine Darkow
I joined EWB because I wanted to apply my education to real-life situations while helping communities. I was also interested opportunities available in EWB, from traveling abroad to leadership roles.

Community Outreach Co-Chair
Nishanth Kondragunta
The reason I joined EWB was to work on my soft skills and my technical skills.

Environmental Health and Safety
Andrew Lukuyu
I became apart of EWB because it looked like an interesting way to learn new skills and gain new experience. Also it sounds cool.

Social and Recruitment Chair
Maria Maya Mejia
I wanted to join EWB because I saw it is a great opportunity to give back to the community in Cincinnati and around the world!

Burere Committee Co-Chair
Tobit Atkinson
I joined EWB to apply technical skills to a good cause, and to gain experience with civil and international engineering work.

Burere Committee Co-Chair
Sam Evers
I joined EWB because I want to contribute towards goals that are bigger than myself. I also joined to help develop skills for the future.
Nyambogo Committee Co-Chair
Luke Raters
I wanted to be involved in projects that have real world impact while in school and have the opportunity to travel.
Nyambogo Committee Co-Chair
Ileri Olagbaiye
I became apart of EWB due to the fact I deeply appreciated the selflessness of the mission and loved working with the people there.

Gikingo Committee Co-Chair
Eli Branstetter
I joined EWB UC both to provide service creating and maintaining water supply systems around the world and to meet hard working and compassionate engineers who have become great friends and helped me in college.

Gikingo Committee Co-Chair
Rachael Oatney
I was interested in EWB because of the work they were doing which led me to go to a few meetings which heightened my interest and I have enjoyed working with and meeting new people that make me feel welcomed!

Fundraising Chair
Jake Fraser
I joined EWB to become a part of a bigger solution when it comes to safe and sustainable engineering systems. As the fundraising chair, I get to enhance my professional skills while also helping people in need.

Public Relations Co-Chair
Sarah Karstetter
I joined EWB because i wanted to be involved in a club that was making an impact on the world and the surrounding community. I also joined so that I would be able to meet other engineers and apply what I am learning in class to the real world.

Public Relations Co-Chair
Caleb Griffin
I joined EWB because I wanted to be apart of a group who apply their educations to help others. I love the idea of applying my field of study to something impactful.